Mission Council 2012 in Gandía Spain

This provocative question was raised at the beginning of his report at this year’s EBM INTERNATIONAL Mission Council (Conference of Delegates) in Gandía (District of Valencia / Spain) by Secretary General Christoph Haus. Recent news about the donations’ slump (minus Euro 400,000.- ) suffered by the 58 years old mission society had caused a stir not only within the German union. It is true that more than three quarters of the donations to the organization come from German local Baptist churches, but the per capita donations of some of the other 25 unions are meanwhile higher. Even overseas unions make contributions to the general budget rather than figuring merely on the list of recipients.

However, the approximately 110 delegates and guests from 21 countries made it clear from the beginning that in spite of these figures they did not want to put the blame on depression. They all self-confidently consider themselves “missionaries”, who appreciate a cross-cultural mission cooperation. ”Stick to your calling” President John Sigudla from South Africa appealed to the missionaries during one evening sermon that was actively accompanied by a vigorous Spanish worship band. But many also considered it to be a word of prophecy for EBM INTERNATIONAL.

The theme of the conference “Mission – A Global Learning Experience” had been chosen appropriately, as there were a lot of wow factors during the reports that were followed by lively discussions. Thus, Linda Koroma (Freetown/Sierra Leone) stated in her Bible Study on ”The Role of Women in Mission” that without women the Gospel would actually never have reached many countries. The Holy Spirit chooses new ways which Paul never would have dreamt of when he wrote to Timothy. African societies also change, so that cultural barriers are slowly overcome.

In another sub-topic “Ecology and Righteousness” Christoph Haus reminded of the “invention of his generation” which he demonstrated by the proper fourfold separation in the disposal of an East Frisian teabag. According to the Sermon on the Mount we actually should not worry about food and drink, as our father in heaven knows that we need “all this”. But every day, 10,000 children are dying from malnutrition and 15,000 Indian farmers commit suicide every year because of heavy debts with the producers of seed and fertilizers. How may the word of the Bible sound to them? “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6, 33). For Christoph Haus this had meant in the past: to believe and to pray. He had completely overlooked the word “… and his righteousness”. God does not want this injustice, he wants us to do justice to each other and he wants everyone to have what he needs. And if we forget ecology and justice, we forget Jesus’ commandment to us. With Mother Theresa’s question: “Do you know the poor people of your town?” he dismissed the missionary congregation deep in thought into the Spanish Mediterranean evening.


The couple Esther and Matthias Dichristin were officially retired from their service as missionaries with the AIDS-Desk in South Africa. Their ministry was a great success in as much as now a strong structure has emerged which does church-based self- propelling AIDS work. Simultaneously, Matthias was introduced into his new ministry as Africa Promotion Secretary as successor of Volker Bohle.
He reported that in North Cameroon and Malawi - almost unnoticed by the German public - several new churches had been planted during recent years by pastors and evangelists who are supported by EBM AFRICA. The German missionary Dirk Pusch cannot keep up with the training of elders for the new congregations that have to be guided and nourished while the pastors are undergoing training.

Dr. Timothée Bouba, Regional Representative reported about work among Muslims. Conversions do take place again and again because evangelization is permitted. Unfortunately, troubles caused by the Nigerian Islamist Sect “Boko Haram” have brought about a situation characterized by hysteria, so that now one needs to be careful as to what can be done.

The former partnership of BEFG and the South African Baptist Federation is bearing fruit. They followed our example and started World Mission in Namibia. The first student from Namibia just got his Bachelor from the South African College with the support of BCSA – and without any assistance from EBM INTERNATIONAL. The Holy Spirit takes advantage of structures such as EBM INTERNATIONAL, but it does not allow these structures to be restrictive.


For some years already the development in Cuba – by some already called an “awakening” - is the overwhelming aspect of the Report on Latin America. The EBM missionary Daniel Gonzalez told about an encounter with people from the remote neighborhood who had asked him: “Which prayer do we have to repeat?” He had never seen them before, but they made it clear to him that they knew there is a God and that they now wanted to live with Jesus. He then prayed with them and they became Christians, although he had not even called them. The “Cuba 2010” movement led to a close cooperation of all evangelical churches. The government is advocating witchcraft as art and culture, but many people are now looking for spiritual fulfillment in Christian churches.


In India many projects were started on the own initiative of churches needing only minor support. Christoph Haus who is now supporting the former “Hans-Herter-Indienhilfe” with regard to public relations states that this “Local Ownership” has as a consequence that projects will not cease to exist even if support is no longer granted and that local churches are much more involved. Since the “Indienhilfe” became part of EBM INTERNATIONAL in 2009, donations decreased by about 20 %; however, more individual churches have become supporters. The opposite trend can often be observed namely that European churches feel positively challenged by the manifold church activities in India.


Ertan Cevik reported from Izmir/Turkey that more and more converted Muslims give in to family pressure and turn away from the congregation. Nevertheless, a new branch was set up in Torbale that belongs to EBM INTERNATIONAL since one year now and for which the mission society is paying the rent. Fortunately, “Aktion Smyrna”, a South German group of supporters, has continued its payments. The African delegates were shocked by a photograph showing Ertan with his bodyguard, whom the government is putting at his disposal. Although Izmir is a rather cosmopolitan place where a moderate form of Islam is being practiced, some radical extremists are also found there.

Natural and lively discussions within EBM INTERNATIONAL prevailed above all in work groups, where e.g. Norwegians, Malawians, Indians, Pomeranians from Brazil and Dutch delegates were discussing about socially relevant churches.

The Hungarian Janos Papp left the Executive Committee and the 60 year old management consultant Rui Teske from Sao Paulo /Brazil was elected.

This means that besides the re-elected Linda Koroma from Sierra Leone as voice from Africa there is now another Latin American representative in the 9 member body. The hitherto Norwegian President Aril Harvik was confirmed in office for another four years.

At the end, it was after all a matter of figures. The year 2011 ended with a deficit of more than 320,000.- Euros, mainly due to dramatically less income for Africa from the BEFG. It was impossible to reduce the expenses accordingly, as 50 % of the donations are given during the last 3 months of the year. Thus, the reserves that were built up during the last three years have now been completely used up, and the existence of EBM INTERNATIONAL would be endangered if this development continued. It is true that as a consequence of several cries for help by the BEFG the liquidity strait could be gapped, but it is not yet completely clear whether the donations of the first few months of 2012 will represent a basic change of heart or whether they have just been brought forward.

Linda Koroma appealed to the African unions to take the situation in Europe seriously and to stop dreaming. “Let us discover our own calling, God has blessed us, too - we do not always want to sit on the side of the recipients.”

The suggestion of the Executive Committee to lower the budget for Africa by Euro 200,000.- over against 2010 was explained by the fact that it included less expenditure for mission stations that are no longer used by EBM INTERNATIONAL. As the delegates are convinced of the quality and necessity of the work of EBM a budget of 3.9 million Euros was agreed upon. This may be reduced over the year in case the income situation should require it.

The Mission Council unanimously appointed the couple Anna and Johannes Meyer (Munich) for mission service in the vocational training centre in Thusong/Soweto (South Africa). They will help the Baptist Union in starting this centre near Johannesburg as cook/motor mechanic and controller.

A somewhat late item on the agenda was an important also self-critical issue on the question of “ownership”. But the African delegates considered the initiative important “even if we were not in financial difficulty”, as Vincent Chirwa (Blantyre/Malawi) underlined. Many leaders want to promote church-based projects as thereby the local churches become more active. The suggestion to also canvass for money from third parties (government sources etc.) side by side with donations had positive (we can use this money to finance social projects) and also negative (we create a dependency / thereby modest donations are “overgrown”) reactions. The Executive will have to give more thought to these questions and also have an exchange of ideas with the member unions.

The next Mission Council will take place in May 2013 in Skien/Norway.

Ulrich Wagner
Committee for World Mission