Financial need: 2,000 €
Project: 56100

Central African Republic

Evangelisation and literacy for the pygmies

Evangelisation and literacy for the pygmies in Central Africa
Reading test for the pygmies

Pastors in Africa are not only theologians, but also teachers, counsellors, spiritual and social development aid workers, doctors, as well as conflict mediators in cases of societal emergencies and problems. People who preach the word of God and provide comprehensive care for people in society and respect them are urgently needed in Africa. 

Since Jesus Christ cares for those who believe in him and protects them, the Baptist Federation in Central Africa (UFEB) passes this on to the pygmies living in poverty and moving from one place to another in the country's interior. The pygmy colleagues are particularly important; they are trained and then train others so they can support their brothers.

The literacy programmes not only lead to the creation of “reading clubs,” but also to others reading the word of God. Due to the high price, not everyone could receive a bible so far.

Evangelists are trained at bible retreats and in ongoing work to teach others about faith, to grow in faith, to build congregations and to live the marriage. Women are promoted in their life of faith, in the congregation, in their family life, but also in the areas of hygiene, culture and development. In particular, young men and women are attracted to sports programmes, so a football tournament is planned.

To be able to better organise training sessions, the greatest wish is to build an education centre. Unfortunately, there are always setbacks when e.g. the brick wall is destroyed by rain.