Financial need: 3,500,- €
Project: 56551

Central African Republic

Maison Dorcas 

Help for Central Africa: Schools and Education

In Maison Dorcas, girls and young women from the age of 15 to 25 receive an education in cooking, knitting, housekeeping, handicraft, dying fabrics. Even deaf and mute women can be trained here. And there are also trainee positions in various sewing shops during the two-year training programme.

With the acquired knowledge, the young women can earn their living, e.g. in a sewing shop or orphanages or deaf-mute homes. By setting out on their own track of gainful employment, the family can be supported financially and the household can be run better.

The school director Isabelle Andara also has other ideas for effectively using the possibilities in Maison Dorcas: There are to be lectures for HIV-infected women and a training course for child care in the future. The opening of a preschool is also being planned.