Financial need: 7.500,- €

Andhra Pradesh

Preschools for tribal children

Preschools for tribal children : Aid for children in INDIA

BLESS (Burden and Love for the Economically and Socially Suppressed), the sponsoring organisation of five preschools ("Balwadis") with a total of 145 tribal children, is an independent charity project by a large Baptist congregation in South Lallaguda, Secunderabad. As such, BLESS is active in many different areas, addressing the needs of people on the edge of the twin cities Hyderbad and Secunderabad in a very practical way and bringing the Gospel and the grace of God to them. 

In these five preschools, roughly 70 children receive a good basis for their future school education. They are all children from the poor rural population. These children’s parents work as day labourers in the agricultural industry or in the nearby factories. Because they do not want to leave their children at home alone, they take them to work. The preschools are not only a door to a good education, but also protect the children against having to work in the rice field or factory along with their parents.