Financial need: 38,000 €

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Theological Seminary in Ijuí

Theological Seminary in Ijuí - Evangelism in Brazil

In some regions of Brazil, there was only a minor need for quality theological education until 10 – 15 years ago. But now, it must no longer fall behind. Whether people have higher or lesser education, one thing is for certain: Mission work and church planting must not be hindered. The Seminary in Ijuí has developed from very simple beginnings. In the courses, priority is given to bible-based, practice-oriented and mission-minded training. The Seminary provides quality training; yet at the same time, there are also distance courses (even via internet) to meet lesser needs. The directors of the Seminary are Antonio Renato Gusso und Claiton Kunz.

Many of the young evangelists and missionaries to be do not get enough support from their churches and families. These are too needy to help.

We would like to help with the training of national workers. This is in every respect better and at the same time more advantageous than sending European workers to Latin America. The advantages: Knowledge of the language and the cultural background as well as relationships are already on hand. 

We will also be pleased to arrange sponsorships, and we will send you a picture and a report on “your” student.

This is the kind of support that will multiply, and it means hope will reach many, many people. Those who support this work will send out people into mission who are prepared.