India in general:
Project no. 80 000

Donations for INDIA

  • Emergency meal programme | EBM INDIA supports feeding the poor in India. Here, poor people are regularly given the most needed food. For them, it is the only meal that they receive during the day.
    • > Feeding the poor of the Salvation Army | Over the last 30 years, in collaboration with the Salvation Army, INDIENHILFE (INDIA AID) has been financing the feeding the poor programmes for poverty-stricken welfare cases, including the unemployed, single elderly, slum residents, mentally ill and handicapped as well as street children.
    • > Feeding poor children in Nellore | Approx. 700 undernourished and malnourished Adivasi children and 100 poorly fed mothers with sugared milk are fed every day. This also includes an egg twice a week.
    • > Feeding of the poor and fight against hunger | Fear for one’s survival, debt and suicide determine the lives of many farmers in India. Many farmers escaped the debt trap by the “fight against hunger programme” in Vuyyuru, a small town in the Krishna district in the south-east of India, the programme began three years ago with 540 Indian male and female farmers.
  • Saving eyesight | Poverty is the most frequent cause of blindness and physical disability. Natural catastrophes, undernourishment, lack of clean water, poor hygienic conditions and insufficient medical care are responsible for this.
  • Children’s homes | By being accepted in the home, the children are often protected against the fate of child labour or child prostitution. “A home for children” – is not taken for granted by children from the poorest families living below the poverty line and on the edge of civilisation.
    • > “Ray of Hope” children’s home in Vansada | The goal is to return a bit of normalcy to these children and use the loving environment to prepare them for an independent life.
    • > Nava Nirikshana (New Hope) children’s home | “Nava Nirikshana” means “New Hope”, which makes the claim and the vision clear for the 60 Adivasi children living there.
    • > Adarana | BLESS wants to be that assistance for the economically and socially suppressed and dedicate itself to a comprehensive improvement in their often precarious circumstances.
    • > Asha Kiran | “Asha Kiran” means “ray of joy.” This children’s home with 82 children is the largest home financed by INDIENHILFE (INDIA AID) and represents only one of the various fields of work handled by the organisation Bridge of Hope, which was founded in 1990.
    • > Anandanilayam | Such a linking of projects to local communities is very important to EBM INTERNATIONAL, since the communities should be given support to run the projects independently and assume responsibility for their “neighbours.”
    • > Angel children’s home | The beginning and continuation of construction is constantly delayed by the strong rainfall. Here, a total of 60 youngsters will receive a new home.
    • > Compassion | This makes it clear that the pervasive poverty primarily affects children not only in the state of Andhra Pradesh, but also in the farthest reaches of Northeast India.
    • > House of Joy and House of Hope | Some of these children were forced to do child labour because they were left entirely on their own or had to contribute to the family's income.
    • > Children’s Home of Hope | That is why not only physical care, but also, above all, regularly attending school is a great blessing for children in the home because it offers the opportunity for a better life.
    • > Karunya Nilayamin | AIDS orphans and children whose parents have AIDS and can no longer care for them are completely dependent on help from outside in order not to land in the vicious circle of child labour.
  • School and training | Numerous pupils come from very poor homes so they often do not have the means to pay for a school or vocational training.
    • > Preschools for tribal children | They are all children from the poor rural population. These children’s parents work as day labourers in the agricultural industry or in the nearby factories.
    • > Sewing school for indigenous people in Madhapur | Some of the girls live in the children’s home because they no longer have any other home. Others come from the surrounding villages every day.
    • > Gotlam Vocational Training Centre | With the recognised diplomas they have very good prospects in the labour market and thus for living an independent life in dignity.
    • > Community sewing schools in Uppada and Kottapalli | These two villages lie directly on the coast and are inhabited by fishers living mostly in poor circumstances.
    • > Tallarevu | Apprentices obtain a basis for their future here. Some of them live in the children's home because they no longer have a home, while others come from the surrounding villages.
    • > Other school facilities in Tallarevu | In this school, 90 pupils have the opportunity to obtain a sound school education and thus get a good job later on.
    • > Sewing school Nellore | As is also common with the other partners, the pupils receive a sewing machine as starting capital after completing their one-year training programme.
  • Leper aid and social work | The infectious disease of leprosy can be healed, but has still not disappeared. Many lepers conceal their disease for a long time due to discrimination.
    • > Leper colony in Poolbaugh | The financial support is mainly limited to medical care for the lepers and for their meals, since primarily their old age makes them no longer capable of providing for themselves.
    • > Leper colony in Amancherla | Here, the financial commitment of INDIENHILFE (INDIA AID) ensures the regular cleaning of the lesions and other medical care for the lepers.
  • General medicine | Poverty, malnutrition and infections are the most frequent causes of many diseases in India. For the most part, people suffer from diseases that are no longer prevalent in our societies.
  • Disaster relief | In order to help quickly, we continuously collect donations and add these to a disaster relief fund so that we can fall back on sufficient reserves in an emergency.