Financial need: 4,000 €


Mission Otuzco - Evangelism in Peru
Carlos Garcia, MASA Missionary in Otuzco

The mountainous region east of the coastal city of Trujillo has countless small villages and towns. Most of them can only be reached after troublesome bus rides. All of them are situated in ‘La Libertad’ Province. For quite some time, the churches in Trujillo have been concentrating their thoughts on this mission field, and they have been looking for ways of reaching the people in this region. Several efforts have been made, with varying success.

MASA now supports mission work in Otuzco. The ‚Virgin of the Door’ (La Virgen de la Puerta) is really at the heart of this Andean town with its 5,000 inhabitants. She is behind a glass window above the pilgrimage church of Otuzco. Once a year, there are festivities in her honour, and thousands of people come to celebrate. The Virgin dominates the religious thinking of most of the Otuzco people. It is here that missionary Carlos García started his mission work. This is hard ground to sow, but we would still like to support him. Despite all the opposition, Carlos García is ministering with great joy.

BTo date, about 30 people attend the activities at the mission station.