Financial need: 28,500 €
Project: 24010

Mission in the southern Andes of Peru (Quechua)

Quechua : Evangelism in Peru

Formidable mountain ranges extend across the country, even dominate it. Cusco and Apurímac Provinces were part of the heartland of the ancient Inca Realm. Quechua, the Inca language, is still spoken today in the villages of the countless side valleys. The religious world of these people is a mixture of Inca traditions and popular Catholic influences. The Bible, God’s Word, was widely unknown, and the Gospel even less. - The mission field Adrián Campero, our missionary, has to tend to is a jagged one. The roads in Apurímac and Cusco lead over mountain passes rising to 4,500 m, into valleys that are situated more than 3000 m below. There is no other way for him and his more than 30 co-workers to visit these Andean villages with their predominantly Quechua-speaking population. He plants churches here, and he sows hope springing from the Bible, which has already helped many families. He also brings comfort when natural disasters have destroyed the crops, and also facilitates assistance. So, over a couple of years, a network of small congregations has been founded, which turn to the Bible for guidance in their every-day lives. By now, there are more than 30 mission stations, which have resulted in 15 congregations with small chapels over the past years. Adrián Campero’s work has now also won the respect and confidence of people from outside the churches.

We would like to continue to support these missionaries and mission projects, and we also want to provide practical help to the destitute families in their needs.