Financial need: 25,000 €
Project: 51150

North Cameroon

Medicine for Africa: medical work in North Cameroon

In North Cameroon, EBM supports many medical facilities: the hospital in Zidim, a clinic, an eye clinic and an AIDS centre in Mokong, a day clinic with an AIDS centre in Garoua and a clinic in both Gamboura and Dagaï.

95 % of the population in North Cameroon consists of farmers and livestock farmers that have a very low income. The consequences: Many seek treatment when it’s too late. Then they are already at an advanced stage of their illness or have poisoned themselves through self-treatment with illegal medication.

The good thing is that many regular vaccination programmes have reduced the large epidemics. This makes the treatment of malaria more and more difficult because the pathogens have now become  resistant to many drugs.

AIDS is still the greatest problem. The hospitals and posts place great value on continuing education, e.g. on therapies with AIDS medication or via the prevention of AIDS transmission from mother to child.

The goal of the facilities over many years has been maintaining the standard and providing quality care in all clinics. This is to occur through the general and further training of the staff, providing the clinics with sufficient medical material, maintaining a fund for the poor and intensifying health education.

Mahmoudou Michel works as the responsible coordinator of the medical work in North Cameroon.