Financial need: 15000,- €

Gotlam, Andhra Pradesh

Ophthalmic department in the Shalom Medical Centre in Gotlam

Give sight - Aid for INDIA's Poor

As opposed to Nellore, the eye work that began in 2003 as a mobile operation in Gotlam has now been transferred to an independent eye clinic. Thanks to donations, “Bridge of Hope” built and furnished a clinic building in 2007 on the grounds of the Baptist congregation, which was opened at the beginning of 2008.

The high investments are justified by the low cost of the eye operations that the clinic handles on its own.  Dr. Sucherita of the Baptist community foregoes an appropriate salary and considers her work a community-related charity service. Eye camps will continue to be held so that patients in need from remote villages can come take advantage of the free eye treatment.

Under the directorship of Dr. Sucharita, just under 900 cataract operations were performed in 2009, more than were originally planned in the budget. With the aid of our donors, additional funds were approved at the end of the year so it was possible to continue the operations in December, too.