Financial need: 3.000,- €

Andhra Pradesh

Leper colony in Amancherla

The leper colony in Amancherla close to the city of Nellore offers a home to 110 families. Here, the financial commitment of INDIENHILFE (INDIA AID) ensures the regular cleaning of the lesions and other medical care for the lepers. This also includes administering vitamins and iron tablets and fighting worm diseases. Otherwise, precautionary measures for children and the support of pregnant women also play an important role.

In 2007, a new church was built on the premises and replaced the dilapidated old building. The integration in the network of 21 congregations of the Nellore Baptist Field Association, which runs the facility, makes this institution well prepared in a spiritual sense, too.  A pastor provides spiritual care for the sick and their families.