Financial need: 5,000 €
Project: 26500

Bible Clubs in Havana

Some children of a Bible club in Havana - Cuba
Some children of a Bible club in Havana

In the Santo Suarez Area in Havana, there are many poor families suffering hardship. Ana Isabel, Daniel Gonzalez’s wife, was very touched by their lot; that is why she has developed a social ministry project.

In the Bible Clubs, the children are provided a meal, they are offered homework tutoring, told Bible stories, and basic values in life are conveyed to them. Singing and painting are other activities. A Bible Club meets wherever there is room – this may be a living room, a square in front of a house or a backyard, on a concrete floor or on a lawn. Up to 30 children gather in a Bible Club. The project was launched in early 2009. In mid 2010, there were already 20 groups.

Through the Bible Clubs, they also reach the children’s families. They find out about their needs and provide suitable help. The effects of the Bible Clubs are very positive: Many of the children and grown-ups become believers. Several mission stations have also developed.