Financial need: 188,100 €
Project:  11600

Evangelism and church planting

Evangelism in Latin America : EBM MASA
Baptism of 42 persons in a river, in the Andes of Peru

Latin America is a Continent full of opposites: The extreme wealth of a minority is in stark contrast to the unimaginable poverty of broad sectors of the population. Despair, drug addiction and superstition deprive the people of the strength they would need to free themselves from misery. MASA encourages them and helps them to take life in their own hands again, and to commit themselves to God’s loving hands.

We are thrilled to witness how people experience sweeping renewal by believing in Christ Jesus.

MASA supports training the national workers and missionaries, whose ministries have such a wonderful impact. Many new churches are planted. And social assistance is taken to the inhabitants of the remote and forgotten places in Latin America.

 „Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples …“,
Matth. 28: 19f

This Great Commission is being carried out through our MASA projects.

Will you join us to help?