General hospital for individual aid

Financial need: 3.500,- €
Project:  81801

Social fund for impoverished patients

Financial need: 4.500,- €
Project:  81803

Pithapuram; Andhra Pradesh

Christian Medical Centre

Besides supporting the eye work since 1980, INDIENHILFE (INDIA AID) also financed extensive material investments for the general hospital, for the first time in 1991, in order to strengthen this area. Some buildings have been built from scratch (e.g. accommodations for 70 student nurses), while other existing buildings have been rebuilt or renovated. Furthermore, important medical equipment has also been acquired regularly.

Through the social fund, which was established in 2003, impoverished patients can also receive medical treatment, which would otherwise be impossible for them. 198 patients were helped in 2009 alone, most of them through operations. This also included medicine for many lepers, who were treated during a camp. Despite the now very rapid economic growth and increasing prosperity, the “medicine for the poor” remains an important factor for development in the region.