Financial need: 15.800,- €

Ludhiana, Punjab

Christian Medical College & Brown Memorial Hospital

Kranken Hilfe in Indien

In 1960, with his magazine Der Bote (“The Messenger”), Hans Herter began to collect money for the building of a social department at the Brown Memorial Hospital. This made Ludhiana a sort of ”nucleus” and the only permanent project of INDIENHILFE (INDIA AID)  for approx. 9 years.

The onsite work was directed by two social workers, who have been entrusted with this responsibility for over 30 years. This great experience and continuity is one of the guarantors of the project’s success, which has now been maintained by our donors for half a century. Thousands of people have been able to profit from this.

In 2009 alone, the social fund enabled 1,650 patients, primarily people from the slums, to receive medical care and other social assistance. This included 2,195 patients that needed follow-up treatment. In Ludhiana, it is usually the smallest acts such as the assumption of the costs of the patients’ medication, out-patient treatment or return transport to the villages that helps the patients. Some expensive operations, however, are also made possible.