Financial need: 22000,- €

Vuyyuru, Andhra Pradesh

Ophthalmic department in CBM Bethel Hospital in Vuyyuru

The CBM Bethel Hospital was founded in 1906 by Canadian Baptists. This makes it one of the oldest hospitals in the Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. The involvement of INDIENHILFE (INDIA AID) began there in 1980: During the years of its development, it financed the eye work in full. This also included the financing of a new building with 40 beds, an operation hall and treatment rooms at the beginning of the nineties.

In the meantime, the share of the hospital's own income makes up over 50% of the budget. However, there is a need for the rest to be subsidised due to the “poverty medicine” (particularly the village work), which is provided by EBM INDIA along with other material investments.

The eye work in Vuyyuru is very productive and efficient with over 1,000 cataract operations per year. The number of new patients amounts to just under 10,000 per year. On top of this, there are a good 3,000 follow-up treatments for returning patients. At these quantities, it is easy to forget that a single fate is concealed behind each number. Their gratefulness is for our loyal donors.