Financial need: 25,000 €
Project: 50202

Evinayong; Equatorial Guinea

Talita Cum school

Assistance to Equatorial Guinea - Project Talita Cum

Something that is a great privilege in Africa is often considered an annoying obligation in Europe: regularly attending school. To give the greatest possible number of children and young adults the opportunity to attend school and thus a chance to have a dignified life, the EBM has advocated the development and expansion of educational institutions.

270 children visit the preschool and primary school “Talita Cum,” which is located on a farm in Santa Lices in Evinayong, in the middle of the continental part of Equatorial Guinea. The introduction of a 6th year is to make for a complete primary school education. The school “Talita Cum” provides a holistic education. They also take account of their pupils’ social, intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Children suffering from malnutrition get breakfast, for example. The children are also to receive medical care. The breakfast programme is now a fixed part of the school day since many children would not regularly receive a good meal otherwise. Pupils with financial difficulties are offered financial aid through scholarships. With health problems, help is provided for medication to the extent this is possible and necessary, since normally it is too expensive.

The EBM is committed to the Talita Cum school through the cooperation of the Spanish missionary Sarah Marcos Velert.